The Survey That Shocked the RuneScape Community
Once again, Jagex has stirred up a storm in the vast seas of RuneScape. The recent player survey left many reeling, not from nostalgia but rather from the staggering potential price hikes it proposed. Just months after angering the community with another price increase, they’ve bravely (or foolishly?) asked players for their thoughts on what many perceive as detrimental changes to the game’s pricing and mechanics.
Membership Tiers: Are They Worth It?
Among the survey’s shocking revelations were suggestions for new membership tiers that could cost players an arm and a leg. Incredibly, the highest proposed plan would set players back a whopping $32.49 every month! For those adventurous souls considering an annual plan, that brings the total to over $350. Now, many players are asking—what’s in it for them? Enhanced character support, specialized worlds, exclusive content? While it sounds appealing at first, the steep price begs the question of value.
The Promise That No One Believes
Jagex reassures the community that “any potential changes to membership options will not impact gameplay fairness or the availability of in-game content.” However, changes like shorter AFK timers and mobile-only access sound alarming to players concerned about maintaining a fair playing field. As opinions flood in like “cow shit in a hurricane,” the real question remains—can Jagex navigate these turbulent waters without sinking their reputation even further?