The Samsung VR headset, developed in collaboration with Google, has been a topic of much speculation. Recently, new information emerged via a Geekbench listing that provides a clearer picture of its potential specifications. The device, identified as ‘Samsung SM-I130,’ appears to be running Android 14, with hardware components that align closely with other high-end VR products available on the market.
Hardware Specifications
One of the most notable aspects of this listing is the hexa-core processor, which fits the profile of the Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2. This is a significant upgrade, considering that the Meta Quest 3 runs on the XR2 Gen 1 processor. Additionally, the upcoming Samsung VR headset boasts a whopping 16 GB of RAM, doubling the 8 GB found in the Meta Quest 3 and surpassing the Quest Pro’s 12 GB. These specifications suggest that the device will be well-equipped to handle the latest VR games and applications efficiently.
Collaboration with Google
The decision to run Android 14 on the Samsung VR headset is another intriguing point. This aligns with earlier reports that Google would be providing the operating system for this device. The combination of Samsung’s hardware prowess and Google’s software expertise could make this headset a strong competitor in the VR market. Earlier collaborations between the two companies have yielded impressive products, and this VR headset seems to be no exception.
Additional Features and Market Position
Beyond the technical specifications, there are rumors that the headset will be accompanied by a controller. This may alleviate concerns about the device relying solely on eye and hand tracking, a feature seen in Apple’s Vision Pro. The inclusion of a controller would likely increase the device’s versatility and user appeal. Given the device’s robust specifications and potential features, it’s clear that Samsung’s new VR headset will be a strong contender in the rising XR industry.
The XR (Extended Reality) industry has been showing substantial growth. The forthcoming Samsung device, together with others like AI-powered AR smart glasses from Meta, promises to redefine what consumers can expect from VR tech. It is an exciting time for VR enthusiasts, and if all goes well, our list of the best VR headsets available today might need some significant updates soon.